Monday, April 14, 2008

Gracie and Addison Turn 1!

Well, we made it! On Sunday, April 6th, Gracie and Addison turned one! Mommy had this thing planned for about 10 months, and Daddy would just laugh at her. But it arrived, and Hawkins Park was where we had the fiesta. Unfortunately the wind was blowing quite strong, but we made it a success anyway. We had a ton of food. Mix that with family and great friends, what more could we ask for! Thanks to all who helped out (you know who you are). We are thrilled with our two beautiful girls, and all that they have accomplished in their first year of life. Happy Birthday Miss Gracie Ann and Miss Addison Marie.

1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

Yea! I had a great time as I always do hanging out with the Schmidt fam. I will miss you guys so much when I leave. Congrats on making it through the first year!